Sunday, January 29, 2017

Some things are worth the wait

We are so excited to announce the AMAZING support of Team Home Depot. In December we started meeting with reps from Home Depot to discuss the project. After several meetings it was apparent that this project fit in well with the mission and values of Home Depot. So earlier this month they approved a sponsorship.

Home Depot is a proud sponsor of Veterans. Larry served as a member of the Brass Band during the Vietnam War. Like so many he sacrificed to preserve the immense freedoms we enjoy today. He was proud of his service even during a time of great political upheaval.

Thank you Larry for your service to this great nation. Thank you Team Home Depot for giving back to those who deserve so much of our respect!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Changes are always part of the plan, right?

So much has been going on behind the scenes for this project. Home Depot and Heart 2 Home have been working to create the best home for Larry and Marianne. In order to get everything lined up perfectly the decision was made to push back our start date to February 1st! We are still in need of volunteers and the new schedule will be as follows:

Feb 1- Demolition Day
Feb 2 - Framing, electrical, plumbing, etc
Feb 3 -Dry wall, trim, etc.
Feb 4 - Paint
Feb 6 - Reveal the home to Marianne and Larry

If you are available to help any of these days or have skills in any of these areas will you please contact Sean Foote at 801.592.1849.

With these changes we have also had some fabulous people jump on board and volunteer their time, talents and supplies. We are excited to welcome:

Jenson Lumber who has donated supplies for kitchen cabinets

Kevin Guy with AC Electric

Brad Hughes with Zarbock Plumbing

Chad Walters with Ultradent Heating and Air

There are countless others who are working tirelessly to start this incredible renovation for this deserving couple. Check back soon because we will reveal the floor plan and share some of the stories of the people/companies who are so willing to volunteer.